Climate change can feel like a big and overwhelming problem to take on, right? Can one person really make a difference? One thing we know at Maine Green Power is that when we work together, every individual action can lead to a big change.
For example, in 2019 over 4,100 Mainers chose to participate in Maine Green Power to lower their carbon footprint and support green energy in Maine. Their individual participation led to significant reductions in carbon emissions!
Here are four ways the collective power of Maine Green Power participants made a big difference last year.
Green the Grid
Participants made it possible to produce 26,454 megawatt-hours (MWh) of renewable energy in Maine! That’s over 30% more green power that was supported by participants in 2019 than in 2018. That much green power is equivalent to powering 4,160* Maine homes for a full year.

Reduce Carbon Emissions
Participants reduced 10,879 metric tons of harmful carbon dioxide equivalent entering the atmosphere! That’s like taking 1,526 cars off the road for a year or over 117,000 tree seedlings planted and allowed to grow for ten years.

Support Local Alternative Energy
Participants supported three Maine based renewable energy green power projects; Stetson Wind in Danforth, Otis Hydro in Livermore Falls, and Fog Hill Solar in Stockton Springs.

Create Community
They rallied together in South Portland to make the city a Green Power District! South Portland’s efforts alone reduce roughly 320,000 pounds of carbon emissions annually.

Maine Green Power participants are proof that one action can make a big difference. Thank you to our participants – including all the Maine business participants – for being a part of this growing change and for being a part of the Maine Green Power community. We are looking forward to what you can do in 2020.
*Based on the average Maine household electricity usage of 530 kilowatt-hours a month.